Meadow: Downstream includes over 80 new cards depicting wildlife living in an aquatic environment and a new thematic envelope to discover. Kayaking mechanism allows players to score extra points for progressing down the river. Adjust the level of competition with two-sided river board. Choose between a fast stream and calm river to explore two faces of nature.
- 55 river cards and a river card deck holder,
- 4 kayakers
- 4 double sided starting water ground cards,
- 4 sunset cards
- 4 river trail tokens
- 2 waterfall tokens
- 12 cards (3 each for the North, East, South and West sets)
- fish goal token
- 8 new roads
- bonus Z envelope
- 6 solo play cards
- double sided river board
- 4 beaver dam cards
- 4 additional 3 point bonus tokens
- 6 tent tokens
- 6 pier tokens