Okko and his companions find themselves embroiled in mystery amidst the illegal operations of Pajan’s most dangerous criminal organization.
But beware. Far greater evil lurks in the shadows, for in the dark heart of the empire’s underworld, the corrupting influence of the Oni of Jigoku is even harder to expose.
- 1 Anko Kaori Miniature
- 5 Kunoichi Miniatures
- 4 Character Cards
- 1 Initiative Card
- 1 Personal Mission Card
- 8 Action Cards
- 5 Event Cards
- 11 Clue Cards
- 1 Follower Card
- 4 Adversary Cards
- 10 Equipment Cards
- 3 Recollection Cards
- 6 Courtier Tokens
- 1 Follower Token
- 12 Mission Tokens
- 4 Adversary Tokens
- ?2 Double-sided Tiles
- 1 Double-sided Mission Tile
- 3 Reference Cards
- 1 Scenario Book